Path of Life Recovery

POLR’s purpose is to connect brokenhearted, addicted, and struggling people to Jesus and each other for healing, deliverance, and life restoration.


This ministry is open to all people ages 18 and above. Over the last 8 years, people with a variety of struggles including addiction, abuse, depression, anxiety, rejection, grief, PTSD, and many others, have found healing and freedom through POLR.

 We place a strong emphasis on community, accountability, and unconditional compassionate support. Our program is based on a Christ-centered biblical approach to the 12 Steps. Everything about POLR looks to the gospel of Jesus Christ as the needed Power of God for our recovery (Romans 1:16).

 Each of the 12 Steps of POLR are opportunity for genuine biblical repentance by which God’s kindness allows us and invites us to turn from old sinful, unproductive ways of life and toward Him by faith (Romans 2:4).

 We believe all effective recovery ministries must be under the protection and covering of a strong local church and its pastor. For us, that means House of Prayer in Thibodaux, La. and Pastor Josh Melancon. ‘It takes a village’ is a slogan often used to emphasize the necessity of community to truly provide what hurting people need. POLR ascribes to this truth.

 Our members are encouraged to connect to everything our church has to offer including NextStep, Community Groups (POLR counts as a C-Group), The Gospel Class, and the School of Discipleship.

 Every month during the calendar year we focus on one important step along our Path of Life. But it doesn’t matter which of the steps we are on. Whenever you are ready and open to change, that’s the best time to get started.


You’re not just attending a recovery meeting. You’re connecting to a real family who has already prayed for you and loves you. The only way to know this to be truthful is to commit to coming weekly for 1 month and see how God connects us to one another in such a powerful way. Real and successful recovery can’t be done alone. Let us walk the Path of Life with you.

 Solomon was a king of ancient Israel whom God referred to as the wisest man ever to live. In his writings, he said this:

 “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12).”


We meet on Wednesday nights throughout the year at our church facility, House of Prayer—Thibodaux. Doors open at 6 PM. While the meeting starts at 7 PM, we encourage our recovery family to arrive early enough to hang out in the lobby talking with and getting to know people. It’s always very relaxed and it doesn’t take long to realize people genuinely care for you and want to be a part of your journey.

 At 6:55 PM we ask everyone to go into the auditorium find a good seat and get ready for the start of our meeting.

 At precisely 7 PM the meeting begins. One of POLR’s Servant Leaders will open the meeting with announcements and lead us in prayer for the evening. Periodically, we love to celebrate a person’s growth, healing, or overall progress they’ve made through POLR, by giving them an opportunity to share a short testimony which is always encouraging and faith-building. When you hear enough of these you’ll find them relatable to your own struggles and know that you are truly not alone in your recovery.

 Immediately following the prayer, we worship in song. Generally, a couple of song videos are shown on the big screen at the back of our stage. It’s always a powerful part of POLR when we worship God together and get our hearts prepared and open to what is going to be taught at each meeting.

 We then go into a step lesson that is taught by either our POLR pastor or one of our other Servant Leaders. These lessons are designed to be 30-40 minutes. A key component of these lessons are the Handouts distributed to all attendees at the Information Center in the church lobby. They are designed to help everybody to follow along with what the speaker is teaching. They include fill-in-the-blanks and bullet points for the most important things being discussed. These handouts are then used for discussion in the last part of our recovery meeting, POLR Groups.


At approximately 7:45 PM the lesson is completed. After prayer, our people go to their respective POLR Groups. Groups are always gender specific and we try to place people in the group we believe will be most beneficial to them. Group locations are throughout our building and our Information Center can direct you.

 The idea of going into groups may not be comfortable for every new person who comes to POLR. So, it’s not mandatory. But we have learned it is an important element of recovery.

 Our POLR Groups are where ‘the rubber meets the road’. It’s where you deepen friendships and hear people’s perspectives and stories. There’s always the opportunity for you to share as well, but not a requirement. So don’t feel pressure or allow discomfort to keep you from the blessing God has for you. At POLR we often say, “Change comes in the context of Christ-centered relationships”. When you connect with a group and participate you will soon learn this to be a true statement.

 Groups dismiss by 8:50 PM.

 There’s a lot to say but none of it will adequately describe actually being there.

 Experience Path of Life Recovery.

 Please join us every Wednesday at House of Prayer-Thibodaux. Again, doors open at 6 PM. The meeting starts promptly at 7 PM.

 For questions or more information, email us at  or call the church at (985) 446-2620


Jeff Walthers (Recovery Pastor)

Jeffrey Gautreaux

Shawn Besson

Tucker Spears



Judy Walthers

Keke Besson

Lacie Gautreaux

Angie Thibodaux

Carla Landry


Childcare is provided on-site for infants through 12 years


POLR meetings occur 52 weeks a year at House of Prayer Thibodaux at 2229 Hwy. 3185, Thibodaux, LA 70301. Phone (985) 446-2620